Thursday, August 30, 2012

Hummingbird Silhouette

This morning I got up before sunrise to beat the bees that have been swarming my hummingbird feeders. I was lucky to get a few photographs taken of the hummers before the bees began arriving in large numbers taking over the hummingbird feeders once again. My biggest problem that ended up actually being a winner for me is that the batteries started dying on the flashes I use for my hummingbird photography. In a few images the flash went off for the background but not for the bird itself leaving me with a
bright,colorful and beautiful silhouette.

God's love and blessings to all,



  1. ADORE that shot. Hummingbirds are such great birds.

  2. Thank you very much for your comments AmberBridget and Suzan de Jong.Hummingbirds are just fascinating and a lot of fun to photograph. I'm glad that you both stopped in for a look.
