Monday, May 27, 2013

Beautiful Birds

These are some birds from last Thursday and Friday. Friday in particular. The birds just wouldn't stop coming in. It was almost non stop through out the morning. The majority were House Finches with a few other birds like Steller's Jays, Oak Titmouses and Lazuli Buntings thrown in. Even a California Ground Squirrel came by for a visit to the bird feeders. God's light and love to all, chris


  1. Thank you very much, Judy Chandlee. I'm so glad you stopped by and left a comment. I hope you have better luck with your storm chasing today. It's raining here in Northern California today. Headed your way in a couple of days.

  2. muy lindas fotos de los animales!

  3. So glad you stopped by for a look, alejandra. Thank you for the compliment.
