Saturday, July 25, 2020

Branching Off in a New Direction

After a lot of thought my photography is branching off in a new direction. I've always liked exploring and learning new things. Infrared photography has always intrigued me. I suppose because it is often done in B+W which is what I did a lot of during my early years in photography. I loved the darkroom and shooting in B+W both in high school and in college.  Which now brings me to the present. They make and convert cameras that shoot in infrared. After a couple of months of off and on research I ordered a Canon EOS 7D that had been converted to Hyper Color Infrared.  I was like a little kid in a candy store when it arrived. Photographing the forest in the front yard and driving out to the Little Lake Valley and photographing the large valley oaks. It's crazy what you can do with it. Processing images from this new camera has been challenging. It has stretched my Photoshop skills to a new level with new settings such as channel swapping and and desaturation levels. It's going to be fun to go out to create landscapes and seascapes with it.

God's love and blessings to all, chris
#teamcanonusa All images were created with a Canon EOS 7D camera and a Canon EF-s 10-22mm lens.


  1. I am always fascinated that colour is only what we perceive as humans and also by the thought that there could be more colours than we can see with the human eye and even further at the thought of other creatures seeing the same colour as us differently. I don't think we fully understand colour and how it affects us yet and I suspect black and white has been underestimated and there will be discoveries to be made. Good luck with your new direction and blessings to you too in these CV19 times.

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