Friday, January 11, 2013

Stock Image

Last night we played BannanaGrams. I lost all three games. I had some really cool words too. Like "axiom and quay"."Lenore was the family winner. Maybe it's because she's a Speech Pathologist and she is an expert at language. Just sayin'. This morning when I was cleaning up it popped into my mind that the tiles would be perfect for a stock image. It has been done before I know but probably not in this combination. After all there are tons of sunsets images being taken nightly. In any case here is my take on it. Blessings to all, chris


  1. I love this photograph. Not only is it a good photograph in itself, but it also has a wonderful message. Thank you for brightening my day.

  2. I'm so glad that I could brighten your day Grace W. It does offer a powerful message if you take a little time to read it. Too often I take it for granted and need to turn back to the cross.
