Saturday, March 30, 2013

Tough Guy

Yesterday afternoon I had a strong need to get out into the photoblind. I've been spending too much time editing images indoors since I got back from my vacation. The lighting was a little harsh but I didn't care because I was outside! I set up some new bird feeders and poured out some seed, climbed into the photoblind and I was set. A few birds came by and then a bold Douglas Tree Squirrel jumped up next to the bird feeder. He looked around and started chowing down. A Western Gray Squirrel appeared and he started chattering away at it and staring it down. The big Gray Squirrel kept quiet and stayed on the ground. A chipmunk tried to feed on one of the small feeders nearby and it didn't go well for the little guy. He was attacked from above in a flying leap by the Douglas Tree Squirrel and sent packing.This went on for about forty five minutes before he decided he had his fill and turned it over to one of the big Grays to defend. I had a great time watching these little dramas unfold.A great way to spend the afternoon. The image below shows the ferocious beast overseeing his domain. God's love and blessings to all, chris


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you very much, Tojav. I must say I love doing portraits of them.

  2. It appears he knew you were near, look at those ears! wonderful captue! Thank you for sharing one of God's little critters! Happy Resurrection Celebration

    1. I believe you are right RA Rhodes.He was looking right at the lens of my camera. I appreciate your comment. God has given us a whole world of creatures to photograph! I hope you had a blessed Easter for he is risen indeed!

  3. Lovely click

    1. I'm glad that you dropped in for a look today, Swati Srivastav.I loved the images of trees on your blog. Especially the ones in soft warm light.Thank you for your comment on today's photoblog. Please stop by again sometime.

  4. I appreciate the comment, animalesomnivoros. Thank you very much!
