Friday, December 18, 2015

Inside Day

The leading edge of a four day storm hit last night. The rain is falling heavily on the roof so it looks to be an inside day. The wood stove is going, the tree is up(still needs a few more decorations) and I'm looking forward to wrapping presents and mailing out the last of the Christmas cards. Here is the progress on the tree so far. Merry Christmas, chris Canon 7D with a Canon EF-s 17-85mm lens at 33mm. ISO 100 F 13.0 for four seconds.On a Manfrotto 190 XPROB tripod,


  1. Awww that's the perfect little Christmas tree. Merry Christmas and Happy Boxing Day Chris. =0)


  2. Thanks so very much for stopping in and commenting, Marie. We celebrated Boxing Day with a snowball fight and staying home and eating left overs.

    1. Exactly how my bf and I spend Boxing Day minus the snow it really doesn't snow much here and when it does it's not enough to make a snowball.
