Monday, November 5, 2012

Iconic Squirrel Pose

Once fall has truly set in the bird photography becomes extremely limited in the variety of birds that visit my bird feeders.Today there was a grand total of three species of birds that visited the feeder while I was sitting in the photoblind. In addition to the birds there were two types of squirrels. Not even the chipmunks came to visit. I decided just to work with what I had and create an iconic Douglas Tree Squirrel image. You know the look. The squirrel is sitting up with it's tail curled up behind its back and it has its paws held up in front of it.I hope I have succeeded in that with a richly colored,detailed and beautiful squirrel. God's love and blessings, chris


  1. Possibly the best squirrel photo I've come across... :)

    1. Why thank you very much Sarah Kim. I'm glad that you popped in for a look.
