Saturday, July 17, 2010

Hidden Treasure

Every once in a while you need to clean behind the kitchen fridge. Well in our case we have a leak in the icemaker that has been driving us crazy by filling the bottom of the refrigerator with about a half inch of water. So today fed up with drying out the water we decided to turn off the water to the ice maker. So we dragged the fridge out from the wall.

In the process of cleaning the built up debris we found some old Black and White 35mm negatives that had fallen from the counter. They were pretty trashed so I set about cleaning them up to see what they were. I discovered that they were from the year 1987. One set was of students in a class room where I did my student teaching and the other was of a steam train from the Sierra Railroad Company near Jamestown California. A pretty historic find.

Sincerely and God bless,


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