Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Spent most of the day working on getting ready for Jay's graduation tomorrow. Cleaning stuff up, buying him a present etc. This afternoon I took a break and photographed my unwanted visitors again the Garter Snakes. As much as I dislike them eating the fish out of my garden pond I have to admit they are pretty cool to watch and photograph. Some have the patience of Job sitting and waiting to ambush an unsuspecting fish. Others try the more active approach and just swim like crazy after one fish in a whirl of colors through the little pond. While I was waiting for a snake to appear today a Pale Swallowtail Butterfly floated by and started feeding on my flowers. Naturally I couldn't resist taking its portrait. It stuck around the yard for about fifteen minutes before it drifted off towards the valley below. It made for a nice distraction from the snakes and something beautiful to photograph. God's light and love to all, chris


  1. Thank you very much for your comment Zeynep Keser. Butterflys are really fun to photograph.
