This morning it felt a lot more like winter than it did spring. Cold and foggy with a spatter of rain. I headed out to the Burris Ranch for a little bit of photography from my blind. I haven't been out there for a few days so I had to restock the bird feeders before settling into the photoblind. After a short wait I could hear waaka, waaka, waaka the call of the Acorn Woodpeckers coming from the trees down below the pasture. Sook they could be heard above the garden where my photoblind is. After that it was one woodpecker after another coming in to feed until a Red Shouldered Hawk swooped through scared them away for awhile. It made for some great images of Acorn Woodpeckers. It looks like I'm going to have to treat them like squirrels and set them up there own feeder away from the photoblind. That way I'll have a better chance of photographing some other subjects other than woodpeckers for awhile. God's love and blessings to all, chris

Please take some time to check out my new book on Amazon, Secrets of Backyard Bird Photography
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