This morning I got up early and dropped Jay off. On the way out to the Burris Ranch I stopped and clipped some yellow Acacia blossoms. When I arrived at the photo blind I spent about half an hour setting up the feeder with the blossoms I brought. I fussed and fiddled til I got it set up right. I climbed into the blind and focused my camera on the the little branch and I waited. I waited and waited. None of the birds liked my Acacia branch. It's yellow and pretty. What's not to like? Eventually a covey of quail came in . I photographed them on the fence posts,grass and railings as they were too big for my little branch. After they left one lone House Finch finally settled down onto my perch. I took two frames and it was gone onto the feeder. That was good and I called it a day.
God's light and precious love to all,
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