Monday, September 16, 2013

Chicka Dee Dee Dee

Last night I went out into the dark and set up my photoblind in the backyard in preparation for doing some bird photography this morning. I went out to the blind today around nine and got set up with my camera. It felt good to be back in the blind. I loved all the sounds coming in around me from the forest. I could hear the Bandtails up in the Redwood Trees trying to determine what this new thing was that had intruded upon their bird feeder. At one point I heard the fast almost whistling sound of a hawk making a fast pass over the blind and the pigeons went silent. I could hear a Pileated Woodpecker hammering away for a brief time down in the forest below me. The hummingbirds were really active hitting the feeders behind the garage. As usual it took a little while for the birds to start coming in. The first birds to come in were the Chestnut Backed Chickadees. They are such a cute, gregarious little bird. They were followed by the Steller's Jays but by then the lighting was too harsh for any good photography. Here is my favorite Chickadee image from the morning. God's love and blessings to all, chris

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