Sunday, October 23, 2022

Mighty Oak

 For the past few weeks the forest has been alive with the sound of falling acorns. Wherever you walk it sounds like some creature is stalking you. These acorns provide food for a multitude of forest animals from deer to pigs, squirrels and birds. It's amazing to watch a Band-tailed Pigeon swallow an acorn whole! Here is an acorn from my front yard. It was photographed with a Canon EOS 7D camera with a Tamron 180mm macro lens. God's light and love to all, chris

Friday, October 14, 2022

Blues Series

 Several months ago I embarked on a series of photographs called ,The Blues Series. It involves photographing Steller's Jays in my backyard. Here are some samples

Attempt #2 Was Successful

 My second attempt at photographing calling frogs was much more successful. I used my Canon EOS 7D. (The 7D MKII has been sent off to Canon Pro Services for repair) I paired the camera with my venerable Canon 100-400 mm lens. I added a 20mm extension for close focusing. I once again used my Canon 550 EX speedlight for lighting. I attached two layers of white napkins to diffuse it with a rubber band. When Lenore and I walked across the patio we could hear two Pacific Chorus Frogs calling for females like mad. After searching the pond with a light I found one on the edge under the flagstone. Lying on my belly I was able to start photographing him from about three feet away. I t was really cool to hear and see. God's love and blessings to everyone, chris