This blog is a "Blogs of Note" It was chosen by the Blogger Team at Google as being Interesting and noteworthy. It is a once a week look at what I photograph. Please check out my new book on Amazon. "Secrets of Backyard Bird Photography". It is available in hardbound as well as an ebook. http://www.amazon.com/Secrets-Backyard-Photography-Chris-Hansen/dp/1937538559 It would make a great gift for a birder or photographer that you know or just buy it for yourself!
Thursday, October 31, 2013

Canon 50D,
Pop Art,
portrait photography,
window light
Carving Pumpkins
I love carving pumpkins even though I'm not a big Halloween fan. We bought two of them this year and Annika and her boyfriend carved them. So I didn't really get to carve any this year but I did have fun watching them and I got to photograph them when they were done. They just look so cool all lit up in the dark. Now which one do you think Annika carved?
God's light and love to all,

Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Playing With Polarized Light

Canon 50D,
polarized light,
still life
Monday, October 28, 2013
Time For a Little Fishing
I love to fish! The problem is that I tend to love photography more. Whenever I go fishing with my friends I almost always bring my camera. Inevitably I'll end up with the camera in my my hands. Luckily for me I a pretty decent fisherman and I'll still manage to catch a few fish as well. Today I was thinking about fishing and I decided to create a conceptual image with one of my fly rods. I really like the end result as it came out pretty cool!
God's light and love to all,

Canon 50D,
conceptual photography,
fly fishing,
fly rod,
still life,
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Little Lake Sunrise
Many days I plan what I'm going to photograph. Other days God just surprises me with some incredible examples of his creation. This morning was a total surprise and I almost missed it. I was walking out to fill the bird feeders when I noticed that the clouds had these great leading lines pointing towards the horizon. I ran back inside and grabbed a wide angle lens and threw it on my camera. Then I sprinted upstairs and poked my head out the back window. The view was gorgeous and I was lucky I hurried because the lower part of the clouds closest to the mountains was just starting to be overexposed by the rising sun from behind the mountains. Thank you Lord for this wonderful gift.
Equipment Used: Canon 50D and a Canon 10-22 lens at 19mm
Camera Settings: AV mode, ISO 400, F5.6, 1/250th of a sec.

Canon 50D,
Landscape Photography,
Mendocino County,
Friday, October 25, 2013
I Love Being in the Photoblind
There is something special about being in a blind. I love heightened senses of hearing that I get when I am sitting there. This morning I got up early and filled the bird feeder. Within minutes I could hear the Red Breasted Nuthatches calling from the forest. Yank,Yank,Yank. Mixed in I could hear the Chestnut Backed Chickadees. Chicka see dee, dee, dee. Further off I could hear the Ravens guttural calling. There were a gang of Steller's Jays with raspy calls working over the acorns in the tree tops. Every now and then an acorn would break loose tick, tack, tock down through the branches and into the leaves. Later on when the birds started feeding the activity was almost nonstop. There was a constant flow of Nuthatches and Chickadees to the feeder intermixed with a few Juncos brave enough to come up from the ground to the feeder. At one point a big Band Tailed Pigeon scattered all the birds when it fluttered down next to the pond for a drink. Beautiful sounds to my ears. The photography was exciting but tough as the lighting kept changing from bright to shadow as the low fall sun traveled through the trees in its arc across the sky. I came away with several beautiful images that I am quite pleased with.
May you have a blessed weekend,

Thursday, October 24, 2013
Hold That Shower!
Yesterday evening my daughter Annika had a volleyball game at the local high school. I was just about to pop into the shower to get cleaned up to go when I glanced out into the front yard to see a bracken fern just positively glowing with sunlight. I immediately knew my shower was going to have to wait. I threw back on some clothes and padded out onto the driveway bare foot. I was looking for just the right angle that had the fern in the foreground with some dark shadows in the background. Moving a little to the left I could place the shadow of a large Douglas Fir Tree right behind the fern. In photography shadows will go black if the foreground is bright enough. In this case with the fern glowing in the sun I knew the background would go black. After a bit of fiddling with the composition I had my image. I ran back into the house for my shower and made it with plenty of time for her volleyball game.
God's love to all,

Showing Off Just a Little Gorget
Yesterday morning I spent a little more time photographing hummingbirds from the photoblind. I was trying to get one of he male Anna's hummingbirds to flash me with its gorget. The gorget on a hummingbird is the brilliant metallic feathers on their head, nape and breast. After a lot of work, effort and a lot of patience I was able to capture a partial display. I'll keep working on it. Photographing hummingbirds is a lot of fun to do and the results are just fantastic.
God's beautiful light and love to all,

Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Digging in the Archives
Yesterday I discovered an old black and white negative of mine from the early 1980's when I was just learning to photograph with 4x5 view cameras. (I'm still learning). The image I came across is of Beringer Winery in the Napa Valley. I must say I have an affinity for their 2001 Port! I played around with it a bit yesterday and gave it a bit of an old historic feel. I really like the finished image.
God bless,

Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Cat in the Blind and Photographing Hummingbirds
This morning was one of those times where things were a bit of a struggle. I changed out the batteries on my flashes that weren't working properly and then I had problems with them being too bright.I moved the flashes back and they were better but not perfect. Following that the flowers needed to be moved because the hummingbirds were landing on them rather than flying to them. When I finally got settled into the photoblind Papaya the cat came into the blind. She decided my lap was just the most perfect spot to sit in the whole wide world. Naturally I obliged and it was just right. Sitting there in my photoblind petting a purring cat on my lap was pretty pleasant, at least until a hummingbird came buzzing in. Then I had to lean forward to look through the cameras view finder in order to compose my image. As you can imagine this is rather uncomfortable to do with a cat in ones lap. Papaya too decided she didn't like the situation and she climbed from my lap onto the top of my shoulders. It was a little awkward to say the least trying to photograph a hummingbird with a cat on top of me. My photography was cut short. I could have thrown the cat into the house and come back out but I have way too many chores around the house to accomplish today.
God's blessings to all,

Monday, October 21, 2013
Ever Changing Valley Down Below

Sunday, October 20, 2013
From the Biggest to the Smallest
Today Lenore and I went on a short adventure. We drove down to Cornerstone in Sonoma,CA. There was an event being held there called "Wine Country Optics and Nature Festival". We got to try out all kinds of optics from Leica, Nikon Pentax and others. Some amazingly clear binoculars! There were also some incredible photographs on display from Douglas Herr, Suzi Eszterhas and Ron LeValley. Numerous conservation organizations had booths set up covering everything from save the frogs to animal rescue groups. My two favorites exhibits had an Asian Hawk Owl one of the largest owls in the world and a Northern Pygmy Owl one of the smallest. After touring the exhibits we had a marvelous lunch at Park 121. Butternut Squash soup, BLT and a fresh salad with citrus dressing.It was nice to get out into the world a bit.
God's love to all,

Saturday, October 19, 2013
What are You Doing in My Photoblind?
I kept hearing this strange scratching noise yesterday as I was photographing hummingbirds from my photoblind. I looked all around the around the blind for its source with no luck. Thinking it might be a Chipmunk or a Junco scratching for seed I searched the ground on the edges of the blind. Nope. Suddenly Annika's cat Papaya slipped in under the blind flap startling me! I picked her up and began petting her secure in my knowledge that the mystery was solved. Then the scratching noises began again. HMMMNNN... it can't be the cat because the cat is in my lap. I put the cat down and she went out. As she went out and a little light came into the blind I caught a glance of something moving in the upper corner of the blind. Pulling open the door and flooding the blind with light I saw a cricket climbing up into the darkened corner of the blind. I went into the house and grabbed a jar and captured it. This morning I placed the Mormon Cricket - (Anabrus simplex) a female by the way onto one of Lenore's roses to photograph. It nibbled away on the rose as I photographed it. Afterwards I let it go into the forest.
God's love and blessings to all,
Equipment- Canon 50D,100mm macro lens,Alien Bees 1600 Monolight with a 28"x56"Softbox,3'x5'Gold Reflector
Camera Settings- Manual Mode, F16.0,1/200th of a sec, ISO 400

Friday, October 18, 2013
Hunters Moon Tonight
This evening Lenore and I popped out to watch the Hunter's Moon rise over the Mendocino Mountain Range to the east of where we live. It is called the Hunter's Moon in a variety of hunting cultures. Fall has arrived and the leaves are falling from trees, many animals like deer and bears are fattened up for the winter ahead. It's a perfect time to hunt by the light of the moon storing up meat for the long winter ahead.
God's light and love to all,
Canon 50D,Canon 100-400IS

Canon 50D,
full moon,
Hunter's Moon,
Mendocino Mountain Range

Bracken Fern,
Canon 50D,
Mendocino County,
Redwood tree
Thursday, October 17, 2013
In the Rut

Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Stalking the Wild Butterfly
This afternoon I decided walk down to the garden and see what was going on. Mainly I wanted to see if their were any cherry tomatoes left that I could feast upon. Upon my arrival I found that there were about a dozen orange cherry tomatoes left on the almost leafless vines. I plucked a few of the sun ripened little globes and they were delicious. While I was contemplating their sweetness on my taste buds I watched several small Mylitta Crescent Butterflies feeding on some dandelions in between the garden beds. Wow I thought, "That would make a great image with the garden beds as a background behind it!" I ran up to the house and grabbed my camera and made my way back down to the garden. I plopped myself on the ground on my belly about four feet away. I braced my camera on the edge of a lounge chair and waited. It didn't take very long before one of the orange little jewels came fluttering along. They would feed from flower head to flower head as I tried to follow along. Sometimes they seemed to like a flower and they would tarry there a little longer giving me more time to focus and compose an image. I photographed quite a few over the course of about half an hour. I had a great time. Hopefully the back of my neck didn't get too badly burned.
God's precious light and love to all,

Equipment Used- Canon 50D, 20mm extension tube,Canon 100-400 IS lens
Camera Settings- AV mode,ISO 400,F 5.0,1/2,500th of a sec.,

Tuesday, October 15, 2013
My Darling Annas

Monday, October 14, 2013
Things That Go Bump in the Night

Sunday, October 13, 2013
Vineyards Dressed for the Fall Ball
Last Wednesday I ventured out just before sunrise to capture the blazing fall colors of the vineyards near to where I live in Northern California. The night before I fastidiously set my alarm to go off at six so that I would have plenty of time to take a shower and get everything ready to go. Instead I lurched awake at six fifty seven realizing that somehow it was too late and the alarm didn't go off as expected. I groggily pulled my gear together and headed out the door without my shower. The cool fall air awoke me by the time I drove my pick up down our road to the main street. When I looked to the east there was a nice bank of clouds in the sky. This was going to be great for photography I thought to myself. About a half an hour later I arrived at some vineyards that looked really nice. The leaves were all reds, yellows and greens and the vines were heavy with over ripe grapes. At this point the sun was already a little ways above the horizon and there was very little time to photograph as the clouds had all disappeared! The soft warm light lasted little more than ten minutes before it started getting to harsh for photography. I drove around Redwood Valley looking for some good spots and came up empty handed. Finally I found some grapes in the shade. I created a few images of them and then I was pretty much done photographing vineyards for the day.
Such a beautiful harvest of images.
God bless,

Saturday, October 12, 2013
Badger Didn't Like His Bath

Working Hands

auto mechanic,
automotive repair,
Canon 50D,
family business,
Friday, October 11, 2013
Another One From Days Gone By

Canon 50D,
International Harvester,
Mendocino County,
pick up,
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Ain't Gonna Drive No More

Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Nope Not a Steller's Jay

Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Fall Squirrel
This morning it really felt like a fall day. I definitely needed a sweatshirt to keep me warm in the photoblind this morning. I must admit my shorts and sandals were feeling a bit cool. My goal today was to create an image of a bird or a squirrel that had some nice fall colors to it. I only photographed for a short time but I came away with an excellent image of a Douglas Tree Squirrel that has a nice fall feel to it. I'm really happy with it. I was really excited to see that the number of followers of this blog now is very close to nine hundred. If you like this blog and the photography in it please pass this site onto your friends. It would be great to have over a thousand followers!
God's light and precious love to all,

Monday, October 7, 2013
Black Acorns
Yesterday when I was at my Mom's house I noticed that she had these beautiful black acorns mixed in with the brown ones. Black acorns just look really cool!
God's love to you all,

Sunday, October 6, 2013
Ranch Rodeo
Yesterday afternoon I went to the Ranch Rodeo. I watched three of the last events of the day two roping events and the cow riding. From the looks of it a good time was had by all.
God's light and love to all,

Canon 50D,
cow riding,
Ranch Rodeo,
ranching rodeo,
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