This morning I worked on a set up that I wanted to call the, Steller's Jay Blues. First I set up a mixed blue background. In front of the background I put up a perch that I had found earlier in the week from the firewood pile. For the crowning glory I surrounded the perch with three purple and white Iris from the garden. I climbed into the photoblind with great expectations. I waited and I waited. One Steller's Jay came but there wasn't enough light to photograph it so I upped the ISO on my camera. Then the bully boys the Western Gray Squirrels showed up. I had to scare them away by rapping on the photoblind wall and telling them to go away. Instead they went up into the trees and began yelling at me. Finally another Jay stopped by. It hopped up onto the perch and I hit the shutter. The flash overexposed the image as I had upped the ISO after seeing the first Jay in low light thereby cancelling the flash settings I had inputted into the camera. I went back to the waiting game. A Raven stopped by and had a couple of peanuts. It never got into a position I could photograph it from before it left. My last visitor as the light was beginning to burn out was a little Chestnut Backed chickadee that was almost overwhelmed by the size of the set up I had created. Some days you have to just take what you can get. God's blessings upon your weekend, chris

This image was created by a Canon EOS 7DMKII camera and a Canon 100-400 L IS USM v.1 lens. Fill flash was provided by a Canon 550 EX Speedlight set to - 1 1/3rd stops. The Camera settings used were AV mode, ISO 400, F 8.0 at 1/50th of a sec. #teamcanonusa