Thursday, January 17, 2013

Frost and Fog

It is warming up to be simply a gorgeous day. This morning I got up early to take Annika to school. On the return trip I a took a long detour through the Rock Tree and Little Lake Valleys. A lot of fog, cold and frosty areas. It made for some interesting and beautiful lighting. God's love and blessings to you, chris


  1. absolutely stunning! what do you think of my latest photos?

    1. Thank you, Charlie!
      Tat one image reminds me too much of grading papers! Loved your advise on how to get through six hours of it. My son could use that advice for college. I liked your images of London in the snow.Especially the Morris covered in snow.

  2. Just amazing how you have captured nature's beauty and mystery.

    1. Thank you very much, Ginny. God gives us soo many things to see everyday.
