Monday, January 7, 2013

Getting a Head

Most of today I was busy grocery shopping, running errands and doing housework. By mid afternoon I was really wanting to photograph some birds.If you have been following my photoblog for any length of time you know that one of my goals is to capture a nice image of a Mountain Quail on a perch. Of late they have been appearing at my backyard bird feeders right around three o'clock. I set myself up in our back bedroom in the house overlooking the feeders about a half an hour before that time. While I was waiting I photographed a Chestnut Backed Chickadee and numerous Steller's Jays. Both of which are very beautiful and common birds at my feeders. I was really excited when the quail came and started feeding right on schedule. I was just beginning to photograph them when something off to my right scared them and they scattered into the woods off to my left. Drat! All I managed was an out of focus image of ones head.Pretty cool looking head too with that tall feather for a topknot! Weather permitting I'll try again tomorrow. God's precious love and blessings to all, chris


  1. The Stellar's Jay shot is amazing, great job!

  2. I'm glad that you dropped in for a look Isabelle. Thanks for your comment. Steller's Jays really are a beautiful bird. They probably aren't appreciated much for their beauty because they are so common.
