The heavens have opened and the rain has been coming down. I haven't done very much photography the past week as there have been very few breaks in the rain. I wanted to photograph the eclipse but was totally clouded in. Though I heard later that if I had driven off of the ridge I may have been able to watch it.
Tuesaday night we decided to go to the big city of Ukiah and watch the Narnia movie "Voyage of the Dawn Treader". Here in Willits the small town I live in the movie had just gone from the big screen to the small screen. Lenore wanted to see it on the big screen and as it turned out it was a wise decision. When we got to the theatre we found out that they were showing the movie in 3D. The movie was great as I'm a big fan of the Chronicles of Narnia books.
After the show was over I was waiting for the ladies to come out when I noticed the neon theatre sign piercing the nights sky. I grabbed my camera and braced it against the car roof for a few images. Afterwards we went out and had Japanese food at O Harus A great night out at the movies.
God bless,