Today I didn't do any photography as we went to the big city of Ukiah, Ca. to do our taxes. Upon our return home we grabbed the mail from the mailbox to be sorted. The first thing that caught my eye was a full page ad for a trimming machine for 13,995 dollars. Now I don't need a trimming machine but it's just that I was amazed at the fact that here was one being offered for sale in a full page ad in a local newspaper.
For those of you that are uninformed a trimming machine is often used in the marijuana growing business to trim off the useful leaves off of the plants after they are harvested. Lately there has been more and more advertizing of products that can be possibly be used in the growing, processing and shipping of marijuana. There has been a real shift in what is being offered for sale lately in some local publications. Last fall for example there were ads for turkey roasting bags at great prices. Do you need several hundred roasting bags? They are commonly used for storing and shipping marijuana.
Now with spring just around the corner there will be businesses lined up to receive growers dollars as they get ready to plant. I didn't say what they are planting now did I!
Here are some signs of spring from last year in Mendocino County.
God's love and blessings to all,
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