Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Serendipitous Squirrel

I spent a couple of hours in the photoblind this morning trying to capture another image of the chickadee with "Phaeomelaninistic Melanism" apparently it's pretty rare.A couple of Western Gray Squirrels came by and I shooed them away from the bird feeders. After awhile one of the Grays came back and I just decided to watch it and see what it would do. I'm glad I did because it decided to pose for me. Great squirrel! "Will work for bird seed!"Must be a member of the S.A.G. Squirrel Actors Guild. God's love, chris


  1. Beautiful picture Chris. I love watching squirrels, they are so cute and great "posers".

  2. Just found your site on "blogs of note" - photos are fantastic. Hope your book is going well!

  3. Thank you very much Bryan Seaford. It's been slow going on the book but I'm getting closer!

  4. tener moi aux courrant ok
