The past week it has been really difficult to get out and photograph due to the weather and other responsibilities. We all have responsibilities. They range from jobs,cleaning the house, doing laundry to paying the bills,communicating and loving the people around us to the most important one of all keeping our relationship with God. In order to keep all these things going we need a break from it all once in awhile to let some of the pressure off. For everyone the outlets are a little different. Some people paint, others write or sing. Many people just go out for a run, a walk or a bike ride. Today Lenore was really great. She offered to go out to buy the turkey so that I could spend some time getting out to photograph the birds. Thank you Lenore. Here are a couple of Chestnut backed chickadees from a set up in the front yard.
God bless,

Images created with a canon 7D and a Canon 100-400 IS lens. The camera was supported on a Manfrotto 055PROBX Tripod with a 3055 ballhead. Camera setting used. AV mode,ISO 800, F 5.6 at 1/200th of a sec.
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