This morning was dead. Dead in the sense that no birds came to my feeder for over two hours. Being the diligent photographer that I am I only fell asleep once during that time. At least that is by my count. Finally a few house finches came in. None of them however liked my carefully prepared perch as a landing spot. Then the Lazuli Bunting came by just to taunt me with its presence. Once again it stayed just out of camera range. At least far enough out that I couldn't create a fantastic close up of it anyway. I know it was thinking about all those paparazzi that stalk it's beautiful plumage trying to capture its image for the tabloids.

Finally after about three hours I packed it up and headed home. Along the way I spied a Turkey Vulture sitting on a lichen covered post right next to the road. I think it was waiting for a car to run over something so it could eat. Bracing my camera against the edge of the window I was able to get some nice images of it.

As you can see it was a dead day.
God's light and love to all,
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