I awoke still feeling not so great today. Lenore implored me to get up and look at the incredible sunrise and I'm glad I did. It was such an intense red that didn't last very long as it gave way to bands of light and fog. After everyone headed off for school I decided to go for a walk along the Par Course Trail. It is a wonderful loop trail that loosely follows Willits Creek.The trail dips down through a nice Redwood Grove. It is probably the most used trail in our area and it gets a lot of users. This morning though I pretty much had the trail to my self as I only saw three other people.This morning I found most of my images in the Redwood Grove. There are just so many things to look at you have to keep focused and look for things that capture your eyes. I had a wonderful time. Let me know your thoughts on it in the comment section below.
God's blessings to all,
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