This morning I took a short drive out Sherwood Road to look for Tule Elk. Just past the gate to Spring Valley Ranch a spike and two cow elk crossed the road in front of me and jumped the fence into the James Ranch. Not the most ideal conditions but I took a documentary click of the shutter just to show that I did find some elk.
Further out the road when I got to the "Y" I took the right fork which is seven miles of twisty, steep, single lane gravel road to Highway 101. It's almost to hell and gone. Going left at the "Y" will take you to Ft. Bragg. That road is hell. Many,many vehicles have gotten stuck out there which is why they close it in winter. The right fork is doable in any most any vehicle as long as you travel slowly and don't attempt it in winter time due to two creek crossings.
The scenery out this way is incredible as it varies from mountainous oak woodlands to heavy mixed forest as you ge closer to the 101. I stopped for a couple of scenic images like the classic California Oak tree, a beautiful sunrise view to the east and one of a black wild pig trying to figure out how to get through a fence. Unusual for today's drive was the fact that I had to pull over to let a pickup go by coming the other way. That's the first time I have ever encountered another vehicle while driving the gravel section of this road.
God's precious love and blessings to all,
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