I love it when it all comes together on something you least expected. I set off this morning with the intention of getting some excellent Blacktail Deer images. The lighting was beautiful this morning. It was sunny with a little bit of cloud cover. Just perfect. Except for one major problem. I didn't see, spot or spy a single deer. Not one doe, fawn or buck.
I did see two Blacktailed Jack Rabbits. They were too far away and in the middle of a field so they would be extremely difficult to stalk. Next I spotted two big Jake Turkeys. They were in a really dark forested area that was way too difficult to photograph in. Next I spied a Blue Grouse. It was on private property and it was too far away.
Early on as I passed Lake Ada Rose I thought to myself, "Well if I don't find any deer I can always come back here and photograph lizards". Which is what I did. Right away I found a Skink. Its blue tail stood out like a sore thumb but it was in a really hard place to photograph. Then I found a Western fence Lizard eyeing a fly. Following that I noticed a lizard angled up over the edge of a rock. I was about to leave when I decided to make one final sweep of the dam face. That's when I saw it. A Bluebelly (Western Fence Lizard) turned sideways on a rock, flying it's colors. It was on a rock that was tall enough that I could set my camera up so that it would be right at eye level. It was just perfect. A superb way to end my mornings photography.
God's precious light and love to eveeyone,
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