This year my son Jay is on the Cross Country Team at school. I'm really proud of him as he has been holding his own while learning this sometimes grueling sport. He has only been in two meets to date and he has beaten many of his competitiors and lost to others. Photographing this sport isn't easy. It's a lot like photographing the peloton in bike racing. You see them at the start and you see them at the finish. That is unless you are on a course where you can see them pass you by.Today's meet was a huge invitational in Santa Rosa at Spring Lake Park. There were numerous races in a variety of classes from Middle School to High School and Alumni races. I was immediately drawn to the thunder of the start. How could I convey the rush of sixty to a hundred runners pushing from the starting line to a trail that was less than six feet wide? It was an amazing sight. The pounding of feet and all the brilliant colors of the runners rushing by while vying for positions on the trail. I finally settled on creating images of what fascinated me the most. I worked on mages of their moving legs and feet . Here is the end result. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.
God's love and blessings to all,
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