This blog is a "Blogs of Note" It was chosen by the Blogger Team at Google as being Interesting and noteworthy. It is a once a week look at what I photograph. Please check out my new book on Amazon. "Secrets of Backyard Bird Photography". It is available in hardbound as well as an ebook. http://www.amazon.com/Secrets-Backyard-Photography-Chris-Hansen/dp/1937538559 It would make a great gift for a birder or photographer that you know or just buy it for yourself!
Tuesday, March 31, 2020
The LORD is My Light and My Salvation
Shelter in Place Photography.
Photographed with a Canon EOS Rebel T1i and a Canon EF-S60mm Marco lens. God's light and love to all, chris #teamcanonusa

Sunday, March 29, 2020
Time for a Commercial Break
Got Cabin Fever? Looking for something to do? Go out into the backyard and do some bird photography! Off and on for the last couple of weeks that's what I have been doing. It gives me a little break and a time to think, reflect and pray. So go onto Amazon and order the Kindle addition of my book, Secrets of Backyard Bird Photography. If your spouse, partner or roommate is driving you crazy you can order the book for them. A modest gift to get them out of your hair.
Have a great weekend and God bless, chris #teamcanonusa

Thursday, March 26, 2020
Shelter in Place Photography
Due to Covid 19 we have been ordered to shelter in place where I live in Northern California. This means to stay at home. Today it allowed me the perfect opportunity to go out into the yard and photograph birds from one of my photoblinds. It also gave me time to reflect, think and pray because there can be a a lot of time waiting for the birds to come down from the trees to the bird feeder. After a long wait there were a bunch of Red-breasted Nuthatches that started coming in a constant stream to the bird feeder. They would always land on this one limb before reaching out to the bird feeder. The problem was they kept landing in different positions each time making it difficult for me to compose the image. After close to one hundred attempts on my part, I finally got it right. God's blessings, protection and comfort to all, chris
This image was created with a Canon EOS 7DMKII camera and a Canon 100-400 IS v.1 lens at 400mm. Fill flash was provided by a Canon 500EX Speedlight set to - 1 2/3rds stops. The camera settings used were AV mode, ISO 1600, F 8.0 at 1/ 125th of a sec.#teamcanonusa

Saturday, March 21, 2020
Backyard Bird Photography Day
It's official the third Saturday of March is now designated as, "Backyard Bird Photography Day"! The goal of the day is to go out into your backyard and photograph a bird and then share the image online. Here is my entry for the day.
This image was created with a Canon EOS 7D MKII camera and a Canon 100-400IS v.1 lens at 250mm. Fill flash was provided by a Canon 550 EX Speedlight set to -1 2/3rds stops.The camera settings used were AV mode, ISO 1600, f 11.0 at 1/125th of a sec. #teamcanonusa

Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Backyard Bird Photography Day Mar. 21, 2020 Please Share!
With all of the travel bans and a lot of people sheltering in place I think that it is a good idea to get everyone out into the great outdoors and into their backyards. It's the perfect time to sharpen some of those photography skills with some backyard bird photography. Then share the images that have been created this coming Saturday Mar 21st. "Backyard Bird Photography Day. With all of the gloom and doom let's blanket the internet with the colorful beauty of birds.Please spread the word and share some joy.
God's blessings upon this event, chris

Thursday, March 12, 2020
Another Digital Tour
Life often presents us with many challenges. I've done very little photography over the past few months due to circumstances beyond my control. During those moments when I've turned my troubles over to God there has been peace. When I take the wheel it gets more stressful. I pray that I can learn to rely more on God than my own misguided ways. Last week I spent a couple of days going through my Florida trip pictures picking out images that I had missed on the first edit. God's blessings upon your day, chris

All images were created with Canon EOS cameras. #teamcanonusa

bird photography,
Lake Apopka
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
This is the Thanks I Get!
This afternoon I made a trash run to the local recycling and transfer station. After I arrived I backed my pickup up and started dumping off my trash cans into the huge transfer bin. While reaching for the last can I was quite surprised to see a lizard sitting on the top lip of the trash can near the handle. The lizard and I eyed each other. On impulse I made a quick decision and grabbed it. Luckily I was doing my recycling as well so I was able to pop the lizard into a plastic parmesan cheese container for the ride home. When I got home I grabbed my camera and set it to F 8.0 to have a decent amount of depth of field. Then I carried the plastic jar with the Alligator Lizard in it to the edge of our deck so that I could set it free. When I reached into the jar to get it the first thing it did was to bite my finger. It wouldn't let go either! I photographed it and then gently shook it off shook it off and it ran into the woods. Some thanks I get! God's blessings upon your week, chris
Photographed with a Canon Powershot G3-X in AV mode, ISO 800, F 8.0 at 1/30th of a sec. BTW the bite doesn't hurt. It's just a pinch.#teamcanonusa,

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