This blog is a "Blogs of Note" It was chosen by the Blogger Team at Google as being Interesting and noteworthy. It is a once a week look at what I photograph. Please check out my new book on Amazon. "Secrets of Backyard Bird Photography". It is available in hardbound as well as an ebook. http://www.amazon.com/Secrets-Backyard-Photography-Chris-Hansen/dp/1937538559 It would make a great gift for a birder or photographer that you know or just buy it for yourself!
Friday, November 30, 2012
This morning I sat watching the bird feeders waiting for the Mountain Quail to arrive. The rain was pouring down and the Steller's Jays were making regular trips to the feeders. After a long wait (when isn't it?)the quail showed up.They wouldn't go up onto the perch I had set up so I was forced to zoom in and create a portrait image. That topnotch feather is a little droopy from the rain don't you think?
God bless you all,

Thursday, November 29, 2012
Perfect Day for a Bowl of Soup
Today has been gray, blustery and rainy all day long. Perfect for sitting by the woodstove with a bowl of Minestrone Soup. Nuff said.
God's love and blessings to all,

Canon 50D,
food photography,
Rainy day,
still life
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Stuck Inside
Today the rain poured down for most of the day as promised by the National Weather service. I stayed inside and edited some images. Later on in the morning I sat in the back bedroom and photographed some of the natives coming to the backyard bird feeders.The only bird of some interest was a Red Breasted Nuthatch. While waiting at one point I photographed a vase of flowers on the windowsill.Time to get back to work on my book.
God's precious love to all,

Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Last of the Fall Color Blue Jays
Tonight the wind is beating against the house and a storm is pouring in off of the Pacific. It looks like we are going to be in for rain for the next three or four days. I'm looking forward to seeing the salmon spawning in the local creeks. In talking to some of my friends they are already going up many of the creeks. The rains will allow many more of them to push further up into some of the smaller waterways.
This morning the storm forced me out of the photoblind and into the house. In reviewing my images from this morning I did manage to capture another Steller's Jay image to add to my collection. This will be the last Steller's with fall colors as I have far too many of them already. Today I changed all of my feeders and perches around so the fall colors won't be included in the background anymore until next year. Now if some different birds would come in!
God's precious love to all,

The Weather Outside is Frightful
I awoke this morning to the patter of rain showers on the rooftop. By the time I finished dressing it had stopped. When I peeked my head out the window all I could see was dark gray skies and hear the sound of the wind through the redwoods. Not exactly the best day for bird photography.Why give it a go and try out my new perch set up I thought to myself. So I bundled myself up and trundled out to the photoblind. It turned out not to be the best idea in the world. I lasted about a half an hour between holding onto my tripod and grabbing the blind to keep it from being blown over. It really wasn't worth it.
I came back inside and looked into one of my idea books for some indoor photography. I found a simple stock photo idea for cheese to photograph. When I was done photographing it I went back outside and reconfigured all of my perch set ups so I could photograph from the warmth of the house through a window.
God's love and blessings to everyone,

Monday, November 26, 2012
Crawling Around on the Forest Floor
To effectively photograph fungi you have to get down to the level where it grows. This means getting down and dirty onto the forest floor.You know crawling around with your camera down into the forest duff. This afternoon I photographed a few species of fungi in our front yard. With the rains it's amazing how many species start popping up just off of our driveway. I had a good time and now it is time for a shower.
God's love and blessings to all,

Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Touch of Rainy Weather
The past four days have had weather to stay inside and sit by the fire. We ventured out a few times to buy groceries and what not but mostly we have stayed indoors. It has given me some time to edit images and just look out on the changing shades of gray with fleeting glimpses of the valley below. Here is the view today of the Madrone Tree outside my office window today plus a few Chipmunk images that were taken last week before the rain started in earnest.
God's light and love to all,
Click on the images to see them in a larger size on your screen!

Saturday, November 17, 2012
Killer Steller's Jay Image!

Friday, November 16, 2012
Faces of Fall
As I have noted before once we get into late fall I am extremely limited in what I can photograph at my bird feeders.Today I decided to challenge myself to see if I could photograph all of the species of regular visitors to my feeders.I went out into the backyard,restocked the bird feeders and climbed into the photoblind and waited. There must have been a hawk up in the trees because there was absolutely nothing coming into the bird feeders. After about a half an hour I was surpized to see a Chipmink as the first victim er creature to come out and want to be photographed.
Next and probably the easiest on my list were the Dark eyed Junco and a Steller's Jay.They were easy because there were so many of them.
After that I worked on the most difficult image of all the Red Breasted Nuthatch. Because it was dark and cloudy out I was forced to use a pretty slow shutter speed and nuthatches pretty much never stop moving. I solved it by looking for a place they always landed and prefocused on that spot and just waited. I had tons of blurry nuthatch images by the time I was done!But I got a nice nuthatch image for all of my patience.
After that I photographed an image of a Chestnut Backed Chickadee.
I thought the squirrels were going to be the easiest today because yesterday they were all over the place. Today I waited and waited and finally a Western Gray Squiirel and a couple of Douglas Tree Squirrels came at the very end when it was starting to rain.It was a fun little personal challenge and i hope you like the images. My favorite image of course was the Douglas tree Squirrel. They are so darn cute.
God's love and blessings,

Thursday, November 15, 2012
Tis' the Season

Canon 50D,
Mendocino County,
Northern California,
Redwood tree
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Splash of Color

Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Just Around the Bend
Today I awoke to the sound of rain on the roof top. Later the rain stopped but our ridge top stayed fogged in all day until late in the afternoon. Just a little after four the sun burst through the fog in rays of Angel's Breath.It was incredible! I ran downstairs and grabbed my camera and quickly walked down our road to find a good spot to photograph it. By the time I had reached the first bend in the road the clouds had moved back in and blocked out the sun.Drat! I looked back up the road towards our house and caught the last bit of very faint light on the tree trunks through the fog. Hopefully tomorrow will be a little sunnier.
God's love and blessings to all,

Sunday, November 11, 2012
Great Run of Chinook Salmon
On Friday while I was out photographing the fall colors I did a quick check on the Chinook Salmon run in the Eel River. I only watched them for about a half of an hour. I was really impressed by the number of salmon I saw spawning
in the shallow riffles of the river. The females were digging reds (nests) by turning sideways and digging up the gravel by flapping their tails. There was a lot of pushing and shoving for nest sites. The males were pushing each other around to see who would get to fertilize the eggs. A beautiful sight to behold since the numbers of salmon have been down for so many years. I read recently that this may be the biggest salmon run that anyone can remember.I look forward to the creeks rising and seeing some salmon soon closer to where I live!
God's love and blessings to all,

Friday, November 9, 2012
My Annual Fall Color Tour
Just about every year I make my own personal fall color tour through part of Mendocino County.I drive up over Red Hill into the Rock Tree Valley. I ford Tomki Creek and then drive out Hearst Road to the bridge on the Eel River at Emandahl. Then I backtrack to Tomki Road and the come up over Berry Canyon Road and back to Willits.
Today was no disappointment as the fall colors were the best that I have seen in many years. It was just beautiful. The sky was cloudy and it was mixed with high fog that gave the leaves a rich saturated coloring. I had a wonderful drive and made it back just in time to have a quick lunch with Lenore.
God's precious light and love to everyone,

Canon 50D,
fall color,
Landscape Photography,
Mendocino County,
Northern California,
Thursday, November 8, 2012
I'm Stumped
Today has been a mix of mostly rain and sleet with doses of sunshine mixed in for good measure.
I got cabin fever this afternoon and just had to get out. I walked down our road and photographed a mossy stump. Later on I took Annika to Ukiah for an appointment and we spotted a rainbow on the return trip home.
God's love and blessings to all,

Canon 50D,
Landscape Photography,
Mendocino County,
Northern California,
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