Sometimes it's really hard to photograph from a photoblind. Once your camera is set up on one of the viewing portals of the blind it can be difficult to move to a different portal without disturbing the widlife around you. This morning I was photographing birds on the feeder in front of me. To my right side I kept observing quite a few birds coming in for drinks of water from our little garden pond. I was really torn as to which portal to photograph from. The final deciding moment of where to photograph came when a pair of Hermit Thrushes came to get a drink at the same time. I don't have many Thrush images in my files and that settled it for me. Very carefully I repositioned the blind and then I slowly changed my camera position to the other viewing port. I wasn't set up more than a minute before a Chestnut Backed Chickadee came in for a drink. I was being kept pretty busy when suddenly all of the activity stopped. Into the blind comes Papaya Annika's cat. She wanted to be petted. I pet her for awhile until the birds returned. Then she wanted out! I put her down and she scared all of the birds away. I climbed out of the blind to put her in the house and she would have none of that and she took off running. With a little bit of persuasion I was able to get her into the house. I let the dogs out and then called them back in again and she followed them in not wanting to be left out of what was going on indoors. After securing the cat I was able to create a few nice Thrush images as well as some Red Breasted Nuthatch images. Overall it was a pretty splendid morning in the blind.
May God bless you this day,

Equipment Used- Canon 50D and a Canon 100-400 L IS lens.
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