This blog is a "Blogs of Note" It was chosen by the Blogger Team at Google as being Interesting and noteworthy. It is a once a week look at what I photograph. Please check out my new book on Amazon. "Secrets of Backyard Bird Photography". It is available in hardbound as well as an ebook. http://www.amazon.com/Secrets-Backyard-Photography-Chris-Hansen/dp/1937538559 It would make a great gift for a birder or photographer that you know or just buy it for yourself!
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Old Santa
Yep, it's still foggy and cloudy outside with a big storm on the way! We have been preparing for the Christmas by putting up the tree and setting out Christmas knick-knacks all in preparation for celebration of Christ's birth. One of the decorations we often but not always set out is a small collection of Santas. This morning I decided to photograph the most interesting Santa of the bunch by putting it on a stand with some red Christmas lights behind it. I used a short telephoto lens made for portraits at its widest lens opening so that the lights would be rendered as big out of focus red dots. I tried a variety of lighting situations but this is the one I liked the best. Now it's back to work outside securing things that might blow away in the storm.
Have a blessed day,
Image created with a Canon 7D and a Canon EF 85mm lens. Camera settings used were AV mode, ISO 400, F 1.8 at 1/40th of a sec. Camera was supported by a Manfrotto 055 XPROB tripod with a Bogen 3055 Heavy duty ballhead. http://www.amazon.com/Secrets-Backyard-Photography-Chris-Hansen/dp/1937538559

Christmas Tree,
foggy rain,
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Cute shot of little Santa Christ and Happy Wordless Wednesday