I must admit that I got off to a late start this morning. By the time I got out to my photoblind and poured out some bird seed out onto the feeder it was approaching nine o'clock. The lighting was pretty iffy and the blind inside was like a sauna! It took some time but a few Steller's Jays paid me a visit. They just can't resist those black sunflower seeds!
God's love and blessings,

Both images created with a Canon 7D, Canon EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS USM Lens mounted on a Manfrotto 055XB tripod with a Bogen 3055 Ballhead. Camera setting used- AV mode, ISO 400,F5.6 at 1/500th of a sec.
Please check out my forthcoming book "Secrets of Backyard bird Photography". I would appreciate it if you would take some time to share this title with others you know that are birders or photographers and would want to know more about how to photograph birds in their backyards. http://www.amazon.com/Secrets-Backyard-Photography-Chris-Hansen/dp/1937538559 Thank you very much.
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