Today was a glorious sunny day and I celebrated "Earth Day" without even knowing it. Well that's not quite true. For a good part of it anyway. My niece called and told me that she would like to meet us in the City for lunch as she had a job interview there today.I readily agreed as I enjoy an outing to San FRancisco to see the sights and play tourist once in awhile. So when I checked Google Maps to see where she wanted to meet us I noticed that the restaurant was located in the ferry building. Hmnn... I thought to myself. Why not just drive down and take the ferry and avoid the hassles of driving in the city and trying to find parking.
So that's what we did. In chatting away to a woman on the ferry she commented that she was honoring "Earth Day " today by taking the ferry. Oh, that's right I remembered. Today is Earth Day and that's what I'm doing too! Though I hadn't put a heck of a lot of thought into it. Duh!
In any case the day was beautiful and the bay was flat. We saw all kinds of boats. When we arrived at the ferry building we had plenty of time to walk around and look at all the shops and produce being sold at the Ferry Building. We even saw a cellist being filmed by a film crew for what I'm not sure. Let me know if it's someone famous.
Lunch with my niece was wonderful and we caught up with what is going on in her life. Then we caught the return ferry with the afternoon commuters and headed home. It was the end to a wonderful day.
Sincerely and God bless,
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