Today was a tough day. Lenore and I dropped off Jay and Annika at their respective schools and then sped off to visit our tax man on our yearly visit. I love Dave our tax guy. He is just naturally friendly and easy to get along with. Today was the very first time we have ever done our taxes with him when we actually had all the paperwork we needed. Our success was short lived as in the end it was . "I owe, I owe so off to work I go!" Not terribly much but I could use a new lens or two. Dave suggested withholding a bit more each month to alleviate the yearly shock process.
Our tax appointment completed we drove down to the bay area to visit our friend Bonnie who is struggling in her fight with cancer. We have both known her for a long, long time. Lenore and I talked with her husband Nick and Lenore sat and talked with her at her bedside. We spent the afternoon there helping out where we could. We got to see their two wonderful kids come home and we talked with them for a short time before we headed homeward.
We stopped at a warehouse food place on the way home and bought more than we should have. When we arrived at home I sat down at the computer and processed one of the few images I created today. My favorite was from our friends backyard. It was a quick,fallback image of the light coming over the top of the fence shining through a pink tulip. It was one of the tulips that Bonnie had planted last year before she was bedridden. I really think it is an image she and her family would enjoy.
Bonnie's Tulip
Please include Bonnie and her family in your prayers.
Sincerely and God bless,
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