Today I feel all beat up and I know tomorrow I'm gonna hurt. I finally gave into Lenore's pesterings and my own bodies complaints and went back to working out at the gym. I have been doing hiking and walking but it's not enough. As they say the scale doesn't lie. So in any case the trainer Angie beat me up. She did say to my own delight that I did better than she had expected. (she probably tells that to everybody)
So today when I got home I took an extra long shower and then got down to work. My son Jay is skeptical as to whether or not it really is work. Today I was working on a long term joint project Lenore and I have going. Lenore is a Speech Pathologist and in her field they use a lot of images for helping, learning and eliciting speech sounds. So today I was focused on creating images with the "B" sound. In this case bbbbberries.
I laid out my fake wood table made from old pallets and then searched the cabinets for a cute small basket. Naturally I couldn't find one. Then I looked right on the table where I was working and it was right there in front of me. DUH! So I crumpled up some paper into the basket to fill it. After which I artfully or so I hope placed berries over the top to cover the paper.
Next I taped together an "A" frame of white foamcore and put it over the berries to make a quick and easy light diffuser. The last and final step was to place two Studio Lights outside of the "A" frame to light it all up. One light was at right angles to the side of the berries to give them definition and the other light was up above and to the front at a forty five degree angle to light everything up.
I shot about twenty five frames until I got one that I really liked. Now it is time to stop for a late lunch. I get to munch some raspberries before I move onto the strawberries and then the blueberries.
God's light and love to all,
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