I spent the day by first going to church and then Lenore and I decided to go to the big city of Ukiah for some shopping. The day was full of beautiful sunshine and the temps were floating around 65 degrees. It was easy to see that winter and spring are fighting it out and on this particular day spring is winning.
Heading home we could see that our ridge top was shrouded in fog. The further we climbed toward home the colder it got. By the time we pulled into the driveway it was about 50 degrees. The wind and fog were blowing in and it was downright cold. I thought briefly of photography as entered the front door but that brief thought was quickly washed away by thoughts of food.
After a late lunch I went upstairs to use the facilities (you know the bathroom) as I looked out the window it hit me. Here was the very picture of dreary I have been trying to get an image of. I quickly grabbed my tripod and used an F stop of F29 so I would have enough depth of field to have the drops of water on the window as well as the trees in the background.
I think that I have an excellent portrayal of dreary. I hope that you agree.
God's blessings to all,
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