This image was shot for a really good friend of mine David Meyer. It was taken not long after David was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer. David was asked by the eighth grade class to speak at their graduation ceremony as he was a tough,well liked teacher before he was forced to retire by his illness.
When David first started his speech I moved through the crowd looking for what I felt was the iconic image. I took pictures of interested students and parents in the crowd. I shot numerous close ups of David. Finally I found what I was looking for when I noticed an American flag close to him. I moved into a position that put the flag behind David and shot several frames. I had my image.
David served as an Air force Chaplain and he is very proud of being an American. The flag behind him really seemed to fit who David is and what he stands for. Currently David is fighting his cancer and is going on his second year. When I talked to him a couple of days ago he stated that God will take care of him whether he lives or dies.Even though he is often times afraid he said he still has that faith. He feels assured that God has stated that he will heal him for his purpose.
I'm really happy with how the image came out and David and his wife were too.
Sincerely and God bless,
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